This site is a testament that dreams do come true and we would like to take a moment to share with you how Sleep Centers of Arkansas- Searcy came into existence. My name is Harold Davis and this is my family. Melissa is my wife and we have three children; Amber (16), Martin (12) and Isabella (3). In 2005 after many years of dreaming of owning a sleep lab, we decided to make our dream a reality. We began the process and sought advice from many individuals in the Searcy Community. We knew that there was a need in our community to educate the medical community and public about the hazards of Sleep Related Disorders. We knew from the literature that there was a link to Hypertension, Heart Failure, Diabetes and many other serious conditions. After much prayer, we purchased the Building that was formerly Dot Becks Day Care on December 23, 2005. Melissa and I immediately began working on the building. We were blessed that all it needed was some fresh paint and flooring. Our goal was to create an atmosphere like home and I believe from what our patients have said we succeeded. On January 23, 2006 we conducted our first test. Our Dream was a reality. We have spent the last year in providing education to the public and Medical Community. We truly have enjoyed this endeavor and consider it a calling rather than just a way to make money. We have enjoyed providing an option other than a hospital environment to have testing performed. We have had the opportunity to help diagnose many patients in our lab and see how they improve with treatment. Our desire is to provide comfortable services, a great staff who loves their job and ultimately to see patients receive successful treatment if they are diagnosed with a sleep disorder.
We owe many thanks to people who have made our first year a success. First and foremost, a loving Heavenly Father who has guided us each step of the way. We have been blessed with a Medical Director, Dr. Stan Kellar, who has a passion for sleep medicine and a staff that equals our commitment and dedication. We hope that if you have come to our sight looking for questions about your health that you will consider the information and exam your Sleep Health. If I or my staff can be of assistance please do not hesitate to contact us.
Harold & Melissa Davis
Picture provided by Gallegos Photography you can contact them at gallegosphotography@smugmug.com or visit their website at http://www.gallegosphotography.smugmug.com/
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